#giraffage #yunstay #enkullen #weare #if there #nerdbr #primalarc #mels face #appelhead #memepunk
Link #langon my man #was thinking about his powers #what if glowing force fields #servants of shadow #servants of morgoth #maiar of melkor #tolkien #silmarillion #fanart #langon
Link #langon my man #rip i guess #he´s fine tho #i think? #langon #sauron #mairon #melkor #morgoth #eye of sauron #maiar of melkor #servants of shadow #umaiar #silmarillion #fanart #tolkien #unfinished stories #book of lost tales #langon wiedermal ultra lost #illustration
Link #tolkien #silmarillion #my art #langon #servants of shadow #the unfinished tales #book of lost tales #6th dimension #angel of užupis #maiar of melkor
Link #they are having a party in utumna #kosomoth #gothmog #langon #big and chonky #valaraukar #balrogs #servants of shadow #servants of morgoth #maiar of melkor #utumno #tolkien #silmarillion #book of lost tales #unfinished tales