#newson #yuu201023 #chaber54 #gpgotomao #windlass #he tap #the higas #hc maeve #hey bls #omfg jd
Link #najeong #is so strong #this era #thank you #gugudan #sejeong #nayoung
Link #at leasy they gave us the pairings we wanted #they caught on #najeong #hanami #but srsly why are they there #they did nothing #give us more fanservice or interactions with others #anythingg #also rly only sejeong and hana participated in running
Link #im ready for this #take some medals home for us #although idk about nayoung and mimi man #mimis lazy af #nayoung isnayoung #although shes crazy competitive #most importantly #give us the fan service yes #najeong #hanami