#lawnii #favfilm #farmer ai #ginuguhit #untreue #glowskin #demiainz #gapedit #fircyktxt #riad azar
Link #vergil #latin #the aeneid
Link #who hurt him #lol he looks so annoyed #the aeneid #virgil #aeneas #pius aeneas filius meus #ascanius #venus #iapyx #myths etc #fresco #love all trust a queue do wrong to none
Link #im still on about this #i certainly relate to aeneas more than to achilles #analysis #achilles #aeneas #pius aeneas filius meus #the aeneid #virgil #myths etc #literature
Link #aeneas #pius aeneas filius meus #myths etc #fan art #magical girls #i still dont really get the concept #the aeneid
Link #tagamemnon #aeneas #the aeneid #virgil #vergil #pius aeneas filius meus #myths etc #favorite characters #if you dont like him please fight me #better than achilles 4ever #aeneas est melior quam achilles something like that #how appropriate how happy virgil would bee #i hope these are all him
Link #the iliad #homer #the aeneid #virgil #literature #myths etc #wswch #siri why does god allow suffering
Link #this is very cute #cartoon #aeneas #pius aeneas filius meus #the aeneid #virgil #literature #myths etc
Link #huh that last part is interesting #the aeneid #virgil #literature #myths etc
Link #anchises is strangely proportioned #statue #myths etc #ancient rome #aeneas #anchises #ascanius #the aeneid #virgil #pompeii #love all trust a queue do wrong to none