Link #screaming #i started losing it at the manischewitz #literally the most undrinkable wine in the world #harry needs a yiddish dictionary #and then i was like maybe he should just call him a shiksa #and then i was like nah no one will get it #and then if someone even understands what i mean #i'm so glad you went for it #god strip dreidel #actually the rules how did you know #ben removes a cufflink #i'm losing it #holiday fic #my holiday fic #i'm ben #thank you brenna this is my favorite hanukkah present!! #1d #winstyles #fic rec
Link #harry's internal monologue is so obvious here #'david and ben keep talking #what are they talking about? #i know they're not talking about me #they're not even looking at me #it's like i'm not even here #don't they love me? #don't they need me? #this is ridiculous #i'm gonna take my shirt off #are they looking yet? #i can't tell if they're looking #maybe if i arch my back and make a little ahhh sound #jfc what does it even take #i'm gonna put my shirt back on and then take it off again #probably i wasn't wriggling enough the first time' #winstyles