High Heels
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lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Audre Lorde
lineandstanza:Carl Phillips, from “Late in the Long...
lineandstanza:Claudia Rankine
lineandstanza:Anne Carson
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
prep4goth:lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis BarnstoneGoth lesbianism
prep4goth:lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis BarnstoneGoth lesbianism
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Audre Lorde
lineandstanza:Thomas Merton
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza:Jennifer Kronovet
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Thomas Merton
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
prep4goth:lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis BarnstoneGoth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Audre Lorde
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Lisa Robertson, from “Porchverse,” in The Weather
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Anne Carson
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Rosa Alcalá
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Audre Lorde
lineandstanza:Anne Carson
lineandstanza:Jillian Weise
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Beth Bachmann
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Lucille Clifton
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza:Anne Carson
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza: Audre Lorde
lineandstanza: Audre Lorde
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Beth Bachmann
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Anne Carson
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza: Carl Phillips, from “Late in the Long Apprenticeship,” in Silverches
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Heather Christle, “Poem for Bill Cassidy”
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Audre Lorde
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza: Blaise Cendrars
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Audre Lorde
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Joy Harjo
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Mary Austin Speaker
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza:Claudia Rankine
lineandstanza:Anne Carson
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Beth Bachmann
lineandstanza: Audre Lorde
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza: Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Lucille Clifton, from The Collected Poems
lineandstanza: Thomas Merton
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:Blaise Cendrars
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
lineandstanza:Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone
prep4goth: lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnstone Goth lesbianism
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza:María Meléndez
lineandstanza: Sappho, trans Willis Barnhart
lineandstanza: Fanny Howe, from Selected Poems
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